What does a Concrete Finisher do?
Concrete Finishers place, finish and protect concrete surfaces. They work on a variety of vertical and horizontal surfaces and structures such as concrete floors, walls, sidewalks, stairs, driveways, curbs and gutters, dams, bridges, and tunnels. They also texture, chip, grind, and cure finished concrete work and are responsible for the repair and restoration of damaged concrete.
We’ve broken down how Concrete Finisher salaries and pay rates are determined in Vancouver. To help you better understand the factors that determine the salary of a Concrete Finisher, we’ve analyzed our own data as well as industry data to break down how salaries may vary. Some of the factors that can have an influence on salaries are city and province, years of experience, certifications, education, and whether you are a certified Red Seal Concrete Finisher or not.
A Concrete Finisher with 1 – 4 years of experience would be in the early stages of their career. A newer Concrete Finisher earns an average total compensation of $24.00/hour based on up-to-date industry data. A mid-career Concrete Finisher with 5 – 9 years of experience earns an average total of $27.05/hour.
A Concrete Finisher is a nationally designated trade under the Interprovincial Red Seal program. It isn’t mandatory unless specified by an employer as a hiring qualification.
In Vancouver, British Columbia, a Concrete Finisher earns roughly around $25.97 CAD/hour on average. However, the pay scale varies depending on a person’s experience. A Concrete Finisher who is just starting in this trade only earns around $16/hour. Typically you’ll see that the more experience you have in concrete finishing, the higher your salary or hourly rate will be.
How much do Concrete Finishers make on the Faber Work platform?
Every Concrete Finisher should be paid what they deserve based on their skill and experience levels. This is true especially when working on projects through Faber Work. With Faber Work, an entry-level Concrete Finisher with around 1-year of experience will start at a pay rate of $22 CAD an hour. This exceeds the average pay rate of $16 CAD an hour that Concrete Finishers typically get in Vancouver. The exclusive “skill-tag” feature can help you keep track of the experience you’ve gained on the projects worked through Faber Work.
Here’s how much Concrete Finishers get paid on the Faber Work platform:
Skilled Concrete Finishers are hard to come by, which is why Faber Work gives the option for experienced Concrete Finishers to “set your own rate”. As long as your profile has two or more years of verified experience in Concrete Finishing, this feature will be available to you!
If you have enough experience and suggest an hourly rate, companies on the Faber Connect platform can see the rate you have suggested for their project. After a company reviews your profile and experience, they can choose to confirm your suggested hourly rate.
This gives Concrete Finishers in Vancouver the opportunity to earn higher than average. This is just one of the many reasons why tradespeople choose Faber Work over temp agencies in Vancouver.
Whether you’re new to concrete finishing, or have years of proven experience, finding concrete finishing opportunities that pay well is much easier with Faber Work.
All types of construction projects are made available to you right on your phone. Sign up and join Faber Work to become part of a connected workforce that’s proudly building a better world.
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